Symptoms of Panic Disorder * Racing or pounding heartbeat * Chest pains * Dizziness, lightheadedness,
nausea * Difficulty breathing * Tingling or numbness in the hands * Hot flashes or chills
* Feeling of unrealness or like seeing things from outside yourself * A sense of impending doom with
no obvious reason * Fear of losing control and/or doing something embarrassing * Fear of dying
A panic attack typically lasts for several minutes and is one of the most distressing conditions that a person
can experience. Most who have one attack will have others. When someone has repeated attacks, or feels severe anxiety about
having another attack, he or she is said to have panic disorder.
------------------------------------------------------------ Links to some good help pages ------------------------------------------------------------
Spiroll's Panic Page
Excellant Page with emergency help phone numbers and many help sites. Included on this site is a link for a email support
This page is designed for professionals to use when dealing with patients that have Panic Disorder and the many
complications that can be assoc iated with it. Lots of information here!!!
Support 4 Panic
A very informative source for every angle of panic disorder and anxiety
The Ross Center
Panic Disorder self-help/resources
Healing Panic
Treat Your Own Disorder
Mental Health Center
An Excellant Source of Information On Many Brain Related Health Problems
The Teardrop Project
Support page for child abuse victims
Is Hope Dead
Riding the Three - Headed Dragon
The Search Engine for Anxiety, Panic, Trauma, Fear, Phobia, Stress, Obsession, Depression and More
Healthy Place - Abuse Issues Community
Contact me!!!